Sunday 13 February 2011

Electronics Kit

Hey guys,

This is my electronics kit.  You see where the two white wires are touching on the dots on the picture?  When it does that it makes a noise.  Some of the noises are like musical notes, and some of them are like really high screeches.  It's really fun.  The pictures came with the kit.  You might think they've got wire inside them, but the pictures have just been penciled in on ordinary paper.  If I drew a picture, then it would probably work, but it must be done with graphite pencil. 

Hope you enjoyed the post.

Love from Candyfloss Sherbert

Slumber Party

Hi Guys,

The other day I went to a slumber party.  My brother really looked funny in his pyjamas.  There was a really cute black dog there called Dino.  It was kind of weird, because when you said "out" she went under the table.  I tried to get some pictures of her but they didn't turn out because she was moving around a lot.  They had a really cool drinks fountain.  Here is a picture of it.

Doesn't it look cool?

Hope you enjoyed the post.

Candyfloss Sherbert


Hi Guys,

The other day I went to a printing workshop with three of my friends.  First a guy told us how printing was done in the seventeenth century.  Then he operated a giant, already-set-up printing press.  Then me and my friends went two to a case of metal letter blocks.  We spelt out our names.  It was really difficult.  Not only because we had to spell it backwards, but because we had to put in spacing blocks on either side of it equally, and it was really hard to get it perfectly centred.  But at last we did it.  And then we all got to take turns printing off a card with everyone's names on a little printing press.

Hope you enjoyed.  See you next time.

Candyfloss Sherbert